West Kingston PTO Bylaws
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Adopted November 14, 2006

Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be: West Kingston Parent Teacher Organization, hereinafter referred to as the PTO. The South Kingstown School Department recognizes this non-profit organization as a school-based organization.
Article II: Purpose and Intent
The purpose of the PTO is to serve as an advocacy group for West Kingston Elementary School. The PTO shall strive to develop a closer relationship between home and school through newsletters, programs, and social activities. In addition, the PTO will raise funds for an array of purposes and events, including field trips, cultural arts activities, school materials and teacher support. The PTO may sponsor parent education programs for the general membership and any interested community members. The general membership will work together to identify school needs and accomplish the above goals.

The PTO will seek annual renewal of non-profit status from the state of Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation. To ensure this annual renewal, the PTO will uphold the above statement of purpose and adhere to the approved By-laws, as agreed upon by the general membership.
Article III. Membership

Section 1. Membership in the PTO is made available without regard to sex, race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, disability or age.

Section 2. All parents and/or legal guardians of a child enrolled at West Kingston Elementary School are members of the PTO.

Section 3. All administrators, teaching faculty or staff members working at West Kingston Elementary School are members of the PTO.

Section 4. All members shall be eligible to participate in general membership meetings. The privilege of introducing motions, debating, and voting shall be granted to all members. Any member may serve on any committee and/or be the committee chairperson.

Article IV: Officers and Elections
The Executive Board of the PTO shall include the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Parent Representatives. Two people may share any of the positions, except Treasurer.

The electorate of the PTO shall include all members. All members are eligible for elected or appointed office.
Each year the PTO President and/or Executive Board shall ask for volunteers for members who wish to serve as PTO officers for the following year.
Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting in May. Nominees must be present at the annual meeting or send documentation of willingness to serve to the annual meeting in order to be voted into office.
The newly elected officers will take office at the end of the PTOs fiscal year.
Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, and may not exceed two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

Article V: Duties of Officers
1) The President (or each Co-President) shall:

a. Preside at all general meetings;
b. Conduct other business of the PTO;
c. Act as the authorized spokesperson for the PTO;
d. Create committees and appoint a chairperson or chairpersons as necessary;
e. Prepare an agenda for the monthly general meeting with other members of the Executive Board;
f. Serves as liaison between the PTO and the Principal and other school administration and
g. Hear requests for disbursement of funds.

2) The Vice President (or each Co-Vice President) shall:

a. Assume the duties of the President during vacation or absence; and
b. Coordinate and sit on the committees as directed by the President.

3) The Secretary (or each Co-Secretary) shall:

a. Keep and maintain an accurate account of the proceedings of all general meetings, and any other meeting the President requests. The minutes shall include time and place of the meetings, the names of officers and members present, and a record of the business discussed or transacted, with a record of any votes;

b. Keep on file a copy of the current By-laws; and
c. Keep any and all other submitted reports from committees.

4) The Treasurer shall:
a. Be custodian of all funds belonging to the PTO;
b. Keep a full and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures and maintain a balanced checking account;
c. Make disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board using a dual signature system;
d. Present a financial statement at each PTO meeting or at other times as requested by the President;
e. Keep a file of all transactions and books to be available for inspection and to be passed on to the next Treasurer; and
f. Records are to be maintained and in accordance with the South Kingstown School Committee policies.

5) The Parent Representatives shall:
a. Coordinate and sit on the committees as directed by the President.;
b. Act as a liaison for parents unable to attend the monthly PTO meeting;

Article VI: Committees
All members of the PTO are eligible to be members of the various committees. The Executive Board will invite members in attendance at meetings, as well as reaching out to all members and the school community at large, to chair committees and other volunteer initiatives. Each committee chairperson shall invite others to join his/her committee as needed. In accordance with the objectives set forth in Article II, all committees shall prepare oral and/or written reports on their activities and shall make recommendations at an open meeting. If not able to attend, a member of the Executive Board will present the report on their behalf. After an opportunity for discussion, a majority of those present may vote to empower the committee to act on its recommendations, including expenditure decisions.
Article VII: Financial Policies
The PTO fiscal year will run from July 1st to June 30th.

The Treasurer, with the Executive Board, will present a budget at the first regularly scheduled general meeting of the fiscal year. The budget may be approved by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

The President or Executive Board may authorize the expenditure of funds up to $150.00 per item or event without prior approval. A report of such expenditures shall be made at the next general PTO meeting.

Any proposed expenditure of $150.00 or more that has not been previously approved in the budget shall be brought to the Executive Board within one (1) week of the general PTO meeting. A vote shall take place at the general PTO meeting with the majority of Executive Board members present.

To assure the continuance of a solvent PTO, it is incumbent upon the membership to leave a minimum of $3,000 in the treasury at the end of each fiscal year.

All requests for allocations of funds for proposed purchases will be submitted to the Executive Board prior to the general PTO meeting.

Withdrawals from the PTOs account that are over $500 shall require at least two endorsements. One endorsement will be the Treasurers signature; the other will be the signature of the President or a Co-President or Vice President or a Co-Vice President. Withdrawals from the PTO account that are under $500 need only the Treasures endorsement.

Adjustments may be made to the annual budget throughout the school year at the discretion of the Executive Board.

An annual audit may be requested by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the general membership.
Article VIII: Meetings

General membership meetings shall be held monthly or every other month during the school year; the time being fixed by the Executive Board at its first meeting.

Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held whenever deemed necessary.

All Executive Board members must receive notice of the special meeting in order for decisions to be valid. A majority shall constitute a quorum.

Official business will be conducted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present at any meeting.

The annual meeting shall be held in May and shall be for the purpose of reviewing the years accomplishments and for the installation of the new officers.

Meetings will be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.

Article IX: Amendments
These By-laws may be altered, amended or repealed and new By-laws may be adopted by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the quorum of the PTO present and voting at any regularly scheduled meeting. Prior notice must be given to all members that alterations to the By-laws will be considered. By-laws become effective upon passage.
Article X: Removal
Any member of the Executive Board may be removed with just cause by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board whenever, in their judgment, the best interests of the PTO will be served thereby. Election of a new officer is not necessary to make the removal effective.
Article XI: Conflict of Interest
The PTO shall not engage in, or promote, commercial, sectarian or partisan interests. An interested person may make a presentation at a general meeting, but after the presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of, and the vote on, the transaction or arrangement involving the possible conflict of interest.
Article XII: Dissolution
Dissolution will occur by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members or in the event officers cannot be secured to carry on the business of the PTO. Upon dissolution of the PTO, all assets remaining, after paying all debts, shall be turned over to the school Principal.
Adopted by more than two-thirds (2/3) majority vote on November 14, 2006

West Kingston Elementary School 3119 Ministerial Rd West Kingston RI 02892 (401) 360-1130